Oregon Stories
Youngs River flows north to meet the Columbia River near Astoria, Oregon, USA on July 1, 2023.
I grew-up in Oregon and often return. The state has a diverse topography but is often associated with the now-threatened, lush-green forests. My appreciation for the people and place is only reinforced by each visit.
Jesse pauses in front of the longtime social services organization White Bird in Eugene, Oregon, USA on June 18, 2023.
The tension in Oregon between rural and urban has caused strife in both. Perhaps the ideological and utopian visions of past decades contribute to a dystopian present.
Mary Wood, Knight Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the University of Oregon Environmental and Natural Resources Law Center facilitates a panel discussion on the Northwest Forest Plan with Dr. K. Norman Johnson of Oregon State University, Dr. Jerry F. Franklin of the University of Washington, and Dr. Gordon H. Reeves of Oregon State University on October 13, 2023 in Eugene, Oregon, USA.
A research vessel from California is seen from the bank of the Columbia River in Astoria, Oregon, USA on June 30, 2023.
A crowd gathers to view the annular solar eclipse from Central Oregon, USA on October 14, 2023.